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May 6, 2020. New York. – COVID-19 continues to present a global challenge for citizens, governments, healthcare professionals, scientists, corporations, and the media.

While the disease creates new challenges, it also highlights long-standing ones in terms of policy, communication, and societal awareness of key issues and how the media reports on these issues.

As the crisis continues we have heard little about those dealing with anxiety disorders and what the impact of the ongoing crisis on them will be. The prevalence of anxiety disorders across the world varies from 2.5 to 7 percent by country. Globally an estimated 284 million people experience...


April 29, 2020. New York. – COVID-19 continues to present a global challenge for citizens, governments, healthcare professionals, scientists, corporations, and the media.
April 22, 2020. New York. – COVID-19 continues to present a global challenge for citizens, governments, healthcare professionals, scientists, corporations, and the media.
April 17, 2020. New York. – COVID-19 presents a global challenge for citizens, governments, healthcare professionals, scientists, corporations, and the media.
Wien, 10. April 2020. Der SPIEGEL bleibt nach dem ersten Quartal des Jahres meistzitiertes Medium – das war aber auch schon die einzige Konstante gegenüber dem Vorjahresquartal. Dahinter hat sich viel bewegt mit Blick auf die Agenda Setting-Perfomance der einzelnen Medientitel: Die BILD rutscht hinter das HANDELSBLATT, die WELT AM SONNTAG vor die BILD AM SONNTAG, die FAZ vor die SÜDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG.

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